BERKLEY - više boja dostupno
Berkley Sandworm jedna je najefektnijih varalica ikad napravljenih. Npravljeni od 100% biorazgradivih, prirodnih sastojaka koji otpuštaju 400 puta više mirisa nego plastični mamci. Miris u koji su dipani privlači ribu i potiče ju na hranjenje. Jednako dobro se pokazao za slatkovodni i morski ribolov.
24 kom u pakiranju.
Berkley Gulp is without a doubt the most effective and most revolutionary artificial bait ever invented. It truly outcatches any other baits on the market, including live or cut bait. No one attractant applies equally well to all fish. That is why Berkley Gulp Sandworms were created. Gulp Sand Worms are made of 100% biodegradable, natural ingredients that release 400 times the scent than plastic baits. Its scent trail attracts fish and triggers them to feed, outfishing live bait in head-to-head field tests. Gulp is the first bait to bridge the gap between artificial and live bait. The gulp sand worms will work equally well in freshwater rivers, streams and lakes.