Silikonska varalica specifično osmišljena za ribolov sa nano jigovima..
20 komada u pakiranju po deset od svake boje. U svakom pakiranju dolaze dvije boje, jedna svijetla i jedna tamna.
WHITEBAIT is the first lure, designed specifically for fishing with nano jigs. This kid should bring some happiness to the fans of elegant fishing tackles in a weight range from 0.35 to 1 gram. This lure has a length of 21 mm and implies equipping with spoon bait. WHITEBAIT is a passive bait with long and thin body and weighting with a ball on the end, which is designed to carry out micro fluctuations in the pulsating retrievings. The shape of baits' body will allow it to prowl if you work with the rod jerkily. It reminds fleeing insect larvae or fry. The notches on the body create additional "noise" in the water. Also, these ribs increase the area of radiation of attractant. The color scheme of the most popular colors glowing in the ultraviolet, and the "edibility" of the silicone will be assured of a reaction on the part of the intended object of the hunt. And it can be completely any kind of "ultra light" fish that lives in the pond.
Every pack contains 20 baits in two contrasting colors - one color is light and the other is dark. This makes possible to pick up the bait more successfully, depending on clarity, brightness or color of water area and the bottom.