Suvremene praktične kliješta za siguran ribolov. Čeljusti se vrlo lako otvaraju jednim prstom, kliješta su lagana ali jaka. Imaju kontrolu pištolja, anodizirano aluminijsko tijelo i čeljusti od nehrđajućeg čelika. Imaju petlju i karabiner.
žDužina: 15 cm.
It would be fair to say unsupported that Rapala is a brand synonymous with excellence in innovation. Looking something like a tool from a space craft, the Aluma-Pro Fish Gripper is yet another example from Rapala’s team of insightful designers developing and fine tuning indispensable products that change the way we fish, and very much for the better. Gone are the days of the careless approach to handling your average rank and file fish. Fortunately, a care and safety approach to both fish and fisher has permeated through the recreational angling industry as a direct response to conservation and maintaining viable fish stocks. It is also a result of industry pundits looking for the cutting edge in angler safety. The Aluma-Pro Fish Gripper encompasses the value of an innovative design approach to addressing a key part of recreational fishing. Handling your catch. We are now all too aware of the how incorrect handling of a catch has a detrimental effect on a fish.
With the rise of catch and release, the condition of the fish at the time of release has come to the forefront of discussion and practice. We now know full well that when fish are handled incorrectly they are exposed to stress, disease and injury that significantly reduces their ability to recover following a protracted fight. Gaffs and nets, dropping fish on the ground and excessive handling all have a detrimental effect on the fish. The Rapala Aluma-Pro Fish Gripper dispenses with these antiquated methods and allows the angler to simply grip the fish on the lip to secure the catch in a controlled manner that does less or no harm to the fish or angler. Purchase the Rapala Aluma-Pro Fish Gripper and keep it at hand whenever you fish.