Koristimo samo funkcionalne kolačiće radi lakšeg i boljeg doživljaja korištenja našeg shopa.
Korištenjem našeg shopa, prihvaćate korištenje kolačića.
SUDPESCA - više boja dostupno
2 komada u pakiranju. Varalica za trolling, valovitog oblika i efekta perle emitira efekt svjetlosti koji privlači morske predatore. 3D oči te perje krasi varalicu.
Spoon indicated for highly effective spinning and trolling fishing thanks to the emission of light flashes.
Its wavy shape and pearly effect emit flashes of light that are not lost on predators, prompting them to attack after mistaking them for grass fish.
Equipped with 3D eyes and with red and white feathers.