Novi hidrodinamički plovak za ribolov štekom na tekućim vodama
Vrhunska kvaliteta izrade, pouzdanost i dugotrajnost
Plovak se jednostavno stavlja i skida sa sistema
Tijelo plovka se ne podiže iz vode prilikom ''štopanja'
Idealan za uporabu na rijekama sa srednjim ili jakim tokom
Najbolje performanse postižu se prilikom ''štopanja'' i laganog kretanja plovka niz tok
Dolazi u kompletu s žutom i crvenom izmjenjivom antenicom
An advanced version of the Torpedo float, which helped the Hungarian team to win gold in the 2003 World Championship. The Torpedo Tuning was also the success story of the 2005 European Championship - 80% of the contestants used our floats, including Will Raison, the individual champion. As with the Torpedo, this float is for use on the pole and is ideal for use in medium or strong flow when you wish to present static or slow moving baits.