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BKK - više veličina dostupno
10 komada u pakiranju.
The BKK CURVED SHANK is an xtremely versatile hook, suitable for all kinds of carp rigs and both bottom and pop-up presentations. Features include a forged shank, the super slick SS coating, and a long, straight, neegle-sharp point. Its agressive bend allows it to reach a remarkable hooking performance.
The coating enchanses the penetration ability of the hook by its extremely low friction capabilities.In practical testing it can penetrate fish’s mouth with a little bit of power,however due its low coefficient of friction,the adherence of the bait on the hook is not optimal,although Super-Slide is somewhat corrosion resistant,it is best used on single hooks and trebles for freshwater aplication.
BKK Hooks are produced from imported high carbon steel BKK-81WV to achieve a high level of stength and elasticity.Chemically sharpened to obzain sticky sharp points and electroplated with imported alloys,this represents the highest standard that only BKK achieve.