Koristimo samo funkcionalne kolačiće radi lakšeg i boljeg doživljaja korištenja našeg shopa.
Korištenjem našeg shopa, prihvaćate korištenje kolačića.
AWA- SHIMA - više dimenzija dostupno
0.25mm - 8,45kg
0.28mm - 10.25kg
0.30mm - 11.95kg
0.35mm - 17.50kg
0.40mm - 20.50kg
0.45mm - 57,4kg
0.50mm - 34,7kg
- otpornost na abraziju
- Boja: clear
- niska memorija
Monofilament designed for universal use, resistant to salt water. The line’s coloring makes it almost invisible in the water. This monofilament has almost zero memory. Thanks to the carefully chosen materials and technologies, it has enhanced surface resistance, minimal stretch and high knot strength.